Please note
- The video must be published in Backstage (not blocked or processing) before Video visibility can be edited.
- Ensure you set the video back to default/private before its release date as it will not go live at the scheduled time whilst unlisted. This is done by the video.
- The unlisted YouTube link is not exclusive, and anyone can take the URL from the embed and share it.
1. Go to the video search in Backstage
2. Search for the video you wish to set to unlisted
3. Click into the video
4. Click on the Distribution tab
5. Click on the drop down underneath Visibility
6. Here you have 4 options
Default- The video will go live at the date set in the start time box above if this is a date in the past the video will be public
Unlisted on Youtube - The video is unlisted on Youtube (Not searchable on YouTube, anyone with the link can view the video, Unlisted link is easily shareable)
Unlisted on Vevo - The video is unlisted on Vevo's OTT platforms (The video is not searchable on OTT)
Unlisted on Youtube/Vevo -The video is unlisted on Youtube and Vevo's OTT platforms
7. Set your desired Visibility option
8. Click on Publish
9. You will a Success message
This will show the update has gone through
10. The videos status will change to Processing
This will show as processing until the update is completed
11. Once the update has completed the status will show as unlisted
12. The unlisted link will be shown in the video details page
13. Unlisted Youtube link
You can find the Youtube link for the unlisted video on the Details tab underneath the video preview.
Relisting a video
1. Search for the unlisted video
Please note that the status will read as unreleased on the video search
2. click into the video
3. Click on Unlisted
Here we can see the unlisted status