Comment Pinning
We can help. Only Vevo content ops can pin comments on VEVO videos at this time, as it can only be done while logged into the Vevo account. However, the comment to be pinned can come from any account!
Usually, an OAC will make the comment, then the label will request the comment be pinned, and Vevo Ops will pin it.
If your artist doesn't have an OAC, please send us the copy for the comment, Vevo ops can both write and pin the comment from the Vevo account (please specify this in the request).
Please send comment pinning requests to
Please include in your pinning request:
- Channel Name
- Video URL
- Direct link to the comment to be pinned (screenshot also acceptable, but direct link is more efficient and preferred).
How to send a direct link to a comment:
- locate comment, right click on the timestamp of the comment, click "copy link address", and send this link to content ops!