Looking for general information about chowning? Please see this article (linked)
The below instructions only apply to out of network chowns - meaning the migration of a video from outside the VEVO network, (an OAC or Artist channel), to inside the VEVO network (ArtistVEVO channel). In other words, this only applies when we're turning a non-Vevo video into a Vevo video.
The First Step of Completing your Out of Network Chown
Before you submit the chown form to content ops, please release your claim on the video. YouTube will not proceed with moving the video until this step is complete.
1. Under "claims" - You will see "Active - Yours (1)", click on "details"
2. Click "Release Claim", this will remove your claim.
3. You may now submit the chown form to content ops. https://ops.vevo.com/chown/
Do I have to complete this step to chown my video?
Yes. When filling out the chown form, you agreed to release the claims on your video. (Terms agreed upon below) This is on the chown request form on the first page: https://ops.vevo.com/chown/
Do I need to remove my ownership on the video?
No. Ownership does not need any changes. We only need the claim released please.
Do I have to complete this step if I'm moving a video from one VEVO channel to another VEVO channel?
No. This step only applies to out of Network chowns.