In order to manually upload a video to Backstage, you must first set up side-loading. Please see the below guide if you have not set this up.
If you have set up your side-loading capabilities please move onto the below steps.
Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to see a video guide of this process
1. From the video details page select "Add New Video" on the top right-hand side of the screen.
2. This will open a new page were you can start to enter the video info
3. Here you must fill in the below mandatory fields and any other relevant metadata VIDEO TITLE* PRIMARY ARTIST(S)* GENRE(S)* ISRC* Channel*
4. To enter the artist's name type or paste in the artist field and then hit enter
5. You will then see a gray box and an x around the artist's name
6. Then select at least one genre from the drop-down
7. Add the ISRC for the video
8. Click on Select...
9. Under ownership Select your content provider from the drop-down
10. Fill in the Repertoire owner field
11. This will auto-populate the label field but you can update this to a different name if you wish
12. Under the YouTube section click on add on the the right hand side of the channel field
13. Type the full Vevo channel name including the Vevo suffix
If you believe a Vevo channel to be created but you get an x in when you have added the channel name please contact
14. Click on Save
15. Fill in the video description in the format you wish it to appear on YouTube
This is not a mandatory field
16. Add in any keywords/tags for the video
This is not a mandatory field
17. To add these type/paste the keyword and then hit enter so a gray box and an x around it
Keywords can also be added in a comma-separated list
18. You can now add a video file by clicking Select Video under Assets
19. You will see a list of videos which are in your s3 folder
If this is blank please make sure you have set up your sideloading access and added the video file to your folder
20. Select the video file you wish to upload and then click continue
21. Next, upload your thumbnail file by clicking upload next to Thumbnail file
22. Then either dragging in the thumbnail file or select the file from your computer
Please make sure that this images ahead to the guidelines on the image below and is in png or jpg format
23. Once you are happy with your thumbnail hit save
You can use the scroll bar to zoom in on the image
24. If you wish you can also click on the Additional tab
25. Here you can file in additional metadata such as UP and Audio ISRC
None of this metadata in mandatory
26. Click on Distribution
27. To set the video live world world click on add policy then Monetize worldwide
For details on how to set other policies please refer to our support page Managing Monetization Policies in Vevo Backstage support page
28. Click on Confirm
29. Add in the start date and time you wish the video to go live
30. This time will be shown in the timezone your computer is set to
31. You can also set an end time to bring the video down when your rights end for the video
This is not mandatory
32. Then click publish on the top right-hand side of the screen
33. You can also choose to publish with a note by clicking the arrow next to the publish button that will add this information to the change log in the future
This is not mandatory